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The Silent Killer

What Is Cancer ?

Cancer is regarded as a fatal and complicated disease. It is a disease that is known to grow out of control and affect the surrounding tissues and the organs. When, over a period of time, toxins collect at the site of a particular organ; it may result in fatal growth in its surrounding cells. The groups of cells accumulate and produce swelling at the site. Nearby cells and tissues are also affected if the toxins are not removed as the diseased cells are circulated to other parts of the body through the blood stream.

Ayurvedic Cancer Treatment

Treatment of cancer by Ayurveda is very in-depth and holistic in its approach. Ayurveda treats the disease according to the specific nature of the patient, the aggravated body energies involved and the body tissues that are affected. Treatment does not only focus on the area of the malignancy but on the entire system, as the whole organism must be returned to harmony for the disease to be treated permanently and not recur elsewhere. The body must be purified of the toxins that cause the cells to attack the body. Treatment includes the administration of blood cleansing herbs along with the adoption of a detoxifying diet. Circulatory stimulant herbs are also prescribed to promote circulation, shift stagnation of the blood, increase the efficient elimination of toxins and assist in healing the tissues. Immunity restoring herbs and minerals are given to boost the strength of debilitated patients.

A crucial part of treatment is relaxation of the mind. Suppression of emotion or emotional stagnation is a significant causative factor and obstacle to effective treatment of this condition. The patient needs to heal themselves at the very deepest level of their individuality. Meditation, counseling, yoga, pranayama and the studying of spiritual philosophy are all recommended for support in this aspect of personal healing.

Ayurvedic Treatment The holistic methods of Ayurveda for cancer treatment include:

  • Abstinence from food and lifestyle that cause tridosha (vata, pitta, kapha) imbalance.

  • Eliminating toxins through Panchakarma.

  • Restoration of healthy jatharagni (digestive power) functions.

  • Rejuvenation through rasayanas.

  • Ayurvedic preparations can act as an adjuvant or a co-therapy along with chemotherapy or radiotherapy. - It is also helpful in post-surgery care.

  • Ayurvedic medicines help to minimize the side effects of these therapies.

Ayurvedic treatment for lymphoid leukemia - Leukemia is a disease of unknown etiology, characterized by an uncontrollable and abnormal proliferation of leucocytes and their precursors, which infiltrate the body tissues.
French, Americans British (FAB) Classifications

Acute Leukemias (>20% blasts to bone marrow)
Acute myeloid AML: M0 to M7
Acute Lymphoid (ALL) 1.1 to 1.3
Chronic Leukemias (<10% blasts on smear
Chronic myeloid leukemias (CML)
Chronic lymphoid leukemias (CLL)

Ayurvedic treatment for leukemia - All these types of the Leukemia are curable if diagnosed at early stages. Ayurveda is considered as one of the best methods for the treatment of Leukemia. Dr. Shailesh Jain, being an Ayurvedic Specialist Doctor in Delhi offering the most suitable Ayurvedic treatment for Leukemia patients. He has cured so many Leukemia patients and thus showing a ray of hope for the Leukemia patients who are unable to adopt those expensive treatments. 

Acute Leukemias - Leukemia Ayurvedic Doctor

Acute leukemia is a hematological neoplasm characterized by proliferation of malignant hemopoietic blast cells. There should be more than 20% blasts cells in the bone marrow at clinical presentation. Untreated, acute leukemias are rapidly fatal, median survival being two months. Death occurs from infection or hemorrhage or both.
Acute leukemias are subdivided into acute myeloid leukemia (AML)and acute lymphoid leukemia (ALL) on the basis of the blasts present, whether myeloblasts or lymphoblasts. The morphology, clinical features, cytochemistry, Immunophenotyping and molecular genetics are used to subdivide AML and ALL into their subtypes (Tables)

Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)
AML occurs at all ages. AML is subdivided into 8 subtypes based on morphology and cytochemistry, according to FAB classification.

Acute Lymphoid Leukemia (ALL)
ALL occurs primarily in children and sometimes after the age of 40. FAB classification subdivides ALL into 3 subtypes


Clinical Features in AML and ALL - Leukemia Ayurvedic Treatment

1. Due to bone marrow failure
1. Due to anemia: Fatigue, pallor, dyspnoea
2. Bleeding manifestations: Easy bruising, petechiae, purpura, bleeding from various sites and in various tissues,
3. Infections, and /or fever: Infective lesions in mouth, throat, respiratory tract, skin.

II. Due to Organ Infiltration
1. Bony tenderness especially of the sternum
2. Hepatosplenomegaly and lymphadenopathy (mediastinal, axillary, inguinal and cervical
3. CNS: Hemorrhage, meningeal infiltration and multiple cranial nerve palsies.
4. Skin or Orbit: Chloromas
5. Kidneys: Renal Failure
6. Heart: Cardiomyopathy and pericarditis
7. Fundus: Roth spots, papilledema
8. Testes: Swelling, particularly in ALL.
9. Gum hypertrophy in AML, M4/M5

Peripheral Blood Picture in AML and ALL
1. Anemia: Normochromic, normocytic.
2. Thrombocytopenia: DIC may be present in M3
3. Total WBC count may be increased, normal or low. Neutropenia is present.
4. Variable Number of blast cells may be present. “Smear” cells may be present in some ALLs.

Bone Marrow in AML and ALL
1. Cellularity: Usually hypercellular
2. Leukemic blast cells > 30% should be present.
3. Erythroid cells and megakaryocytes reduced

Chronic Leukemia

Chronic leukemias have a more indolent behaviour and better prognosis than acute leukemias. Chronic lymphoid leukemia (CLL) tends to occur in elderly. Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is more common in middle age. Juvenile CML occurs in children below 3 years of age.
Clinical Features in CML and CLL
I. Due to anemia: Pallor, fatigue, dyspnea etc.
II. Due to Organ Infiltration:

1. Hepatosplenomegaly
2. Lymphadenopathy: Usually cervical, mediastinal and axillary. Lymphadenopathy is more common with CLL.
3. Cardiorespiratory: Pulmonary congestion, infiltration or collapse, Pleural effusion
4. CNS:Meningeal infiltration, cranial nerve palsies and parapplegia
5. Skin: Pruritus and nodules, gout.

III. Due to thrombocytopenia: Bleeding tendencies (epistaxis, hematemesis etc) in CLL Platelets are normal or increased in CML.
IV. Due to increased metabolism: Fever, weight loss, malaise, perspiration and gout.
Peripheral Blood Picture in CML and CLL
1. Anemia: Normochromic, normocytic
2. Leucocytes increased In CML
Chronic phase shows 1,00,000 to 5,00,000/cc.with with early granulocyte cells (metamyelocytes, myelo-cyte, promyelocyte, band forms). Only occasional blast cells is seen (<10%) Neutrophil alkaline, phosphatase is markedly reduced.

Blast crisis in CML is indicated by an increasing basophil count. It may be myeloid or lymphoid in origin. Myeloid blast crisis resembles AML,but Auer rods are not seen. Lymphoid blast crisis is rarer and shows lymphoblasts with characteristics such as TdT positivity.

50,000- 2,00,000/cc Majority (> 90%) are mature small lymphocytes. “Smudge”or small cells (degenerative forms) may be present. Absolute neutrophil count is normal. Neutropenia occurs in advanced CLL. 3.Platelets are normal or low
Bone Marrow in CML and CLL
1. Cellularity: Hypercellular
2. Erythropoiesis is normoblastic, sometimes megaloblastic. Reduced erythroid precursors.
3. Leucopoiesis
In CML: bone marrow is hypercellular with myeloid: erythroid ratio increased. There may be myelocytes, promyelocytes, eosinophils and basophils. Blast cells or promyelocytes more than 30% suggests blast crisis in CML.
In CLL both small and large lymphocytes are diffusely infiltrated (25-95%). Myeloid precursors are reduced
4. Megakaryocytes are prominent in CML and reduced in CLL.
5. Cytogenetics: Philadelphia chromosome may be present in myeloid And erythroid precursor cell in 70-90% in CML cases.

Treatment for Leukemia

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